In my dream this is where I'll be spending New Year's Eve.

The Travel Enthusiast
This looks like a good place for a nice dinner.
I'm sure they have a dress code, so I'll need something to wear.

It wasn't easy shopping for something sparkly that's age appropriate.
I think this might do, but I'm hoping it comes in black.
I think this might do, but I'm hoping it comes in black.

Marie Claire
This isn't my every day style, but I need something fancy schmancy to go with my dress. This Edwardian garland diamond and platinum necklace will work if they let me borrow it.

TMW Jewels
This little hotel on the French Riviera will be the only hotel available. Darn, a two week minimum stay is required. Looks like I'll have to settle in.

January 1st will start out with breakfast at a sweet little cafe.

Early morning shopping at a Paris flea market is next.

Oh Happy Day
Browsing through the antique stores will be fun.

European Antique Market
A quick stop for nourishment before more shopping.

I'll make time to shop for after Christmas bargains.

Decorating with Sheets

I'll explore until the sun sets.

This restaurant will be a nice quiet place to relax after a long day.

What a day!

I wish everyone a happy, healthy, and blessed 2012.
May all of your dreams come true.