My Jewelry Creations

  I always enjoy hunting down bits and pieces of old stuff and creating something new to wear.
You can click on the picture to bring you to the original blog post.

Ice Resin Pendants with vintage lace and jewels

vintage glass button earrings

vintage silverware handle necklaces with charms

repurposed jewelry vintage salt and pepper shaker necklaces

repurposed watch parts necklaces


  1. Love your blog! Just found you last night via Pinterest : )

  2. OMG! These pieces are just ALL gorgeous! You do a great job! I want them all!

  3. Wow!!! All I can say is that you are so very creative! Such an inspiration to us all!

  4. Gorgeous!

  5. Your jewelry is just beautiful!

  6. Lisa @ 2Perfection DecorSeptember 7, 2015 at 1:51 PM

    Love your latest designs .. Corsage bracelets! Brilliant idea!!


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