I've been busy, busy, busy this past week with last minute preparations for my trip to Paris. Sorry, did I have you green with envy for a moment? I'm not packing for France, but I am packing for my new adventure at Paris Flea Market in Livermore, Ca. Paris Flea Market and their sister store Room with a Past in Walnut Creek are only open four days a month, but it's a fabulous four days and packed full of shoppers from miles around.

I'll still be selling my salvaged treasures at antique shows and in my Etsy shop, but I'm really looking forward to joining this fun group of talented ladies for four days every month. Right now I have a small corner spot with a hutch for displaying smalls and some of my jewelry; next to that I have a little floor and wall space. We need to be all set up and ready to go by today for Thursday's opening, so I'll be heading over the hill early to put some final touches on my corner.

Stop by if you're in the Bay Area for their May opening Thursday, May 2 - Sunday, May 5. Exact hours and future opening dates can be found on Facebook or the Paris Flea Market website.