Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Paris Flea Market

I've  been busy, busy, busy this past week with last minute preparations for my trip to Paris. Sorry, did I have you green with envy for a moment?  I'm not packing for France, but I am packing for my new adventure at Paris Flea Market in Livermore, Ca.  Paris Flea Market and their sister store Room with a Past in Walnut Creek are only open four days a month, but it's a fabulous four days and packed full of shoppers from miles around.  

I'll still be selling my salvaged treasures at antique shows and in my Etsy shop, but I'm really looking forward to joining this fun group of talented ladies for four days every month.  Right now I have a small corner spot with a hutch for displaying smalls and some of my jewelry; next to that I have a little floor and wall space. We need to be all set up and ready to go by today for Thursday's opening, so I'll be heading over the hill early to put some final touches on my corner.

On Saturday CeCe Caldwell will be sharing her fun and easy paint applications during a fundraising workshop to benefit The Crohn's & Colitis Foundation.  I'll be working my shift on Saturday, but hopefully I'll be able to get a peek at what's going on in the workshop.

 Stop by if you're in the Bay Area for their May opening Thursday, May 2 - Sunday, May 5.  Exact hours and future opening dates can be found on Facebook or the Paris Flea Market website.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Our Day at Mes Amis

We really lucked out with perfect weather for the Mes Amis Vintage Antique Show in Roseville last weekend.  We had been plagued with horrible winds and pop up storms the week leading up to the show, but everything calmed down once Saturday rolled around.

I'm in the process of making up more of these signs from salvaged wood and the stash of vinyl letters I found at a yard sale last summer.

It's so nice to be able to spread out in a 15' x 20' booth space.
I didn't realize just how many projects and yard sale finds never made it to my blog until now.  That's what happens when things get buried in my garage and don't see the light of day until show time:-)

A rusty old screen door insert became a picture/card holder.  The creation next to it is part of an antique crib I purchased ages ago, I just added some hooks and clips for hanging pictures and accessories.  I'm sure the headboard would have sold also, but I didn't have room in my truck for everything.

Paris postage stamp stencil on an old cabinet door.  I left the original hinges on top because they were painted over and wouldn't budge, then I added an old drawer pull on the bottom.

The chalkboard folds down to make a sweet little table.

I gave the backs of the red boards the chalkboard treatment because they were stained and didn't look so good.

The only mishap during the day was when an unexpected gust of wind knocked over my earring display.  There was only one casualty, so it could have been much worse.

You know how much I love little storage boxes!!

This is a smaller version of the stenciled typewriter case I made a few months ago.  

Lace and muslin covered lampshade frames are always good sellers.

As usual, I never had more than a few moments to get out and look around, but I did get pictures of a few booths that were within shouting distance.
The Vintage Bricoleur

Our neighbor My Favorite Things.
I was so busy and didn't have time to make myself a banner, so Tina was kind enough to make me all the letters I need to put a My Salvaged Treasures banner together.

Thank you to the entire Mes Amis team for another fabulous show!!  Looking forward to doing it all again in September.

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Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Funky Photo Display

I was getting that "look" as I unloaded these rusty old cowl vent grilles from the back seat of my car a few weekends ago.  The look was somewhere between "I hope they're not staying" and "I hope they didn't mess up the back seat."  NO to both questions.

They're from a 1961 Pontiac Tempest (top) and 1969 Torino.  I'll admit that I wouldn't have the slightest idea what these were officially called or what kind of car they came from if the man I bought them from didn't tell me.  Kind of a guy thing.

I knew he was wondering what on earth I was going to do with them, but I didn't tell him about my master plan to turn them into funky photo displays.

Black and whites of guys and their cars were tucked into the slots.  This one was washed off and sprayed with two coats of acrylic sealer.  That's it!  No sharp edges, very light weight, good old rust, and a yummy shade of turquoise.  The holes on top will make it easy to hang on a wall.

It was one of the first things that sold at the antique show on Saturday.  I wish I had a better picture, but it was almost impossible to hang this in my booth.  I'm hoping to get the other one all dressed up soon.

Later on this week I'll share more pictures of our day at Mes Amis Vintage Antique Show.

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Friday, April 19, 2013

A Little Stool Makeover

I'm not sure if this little stool was originally used for trying on shoes or for shining shoes.....

but it sure makes a mighty fine footstool now.

I discovered this cutie at Alameda Point Antiques Faire a few weekends ago.  I almost walked away from it, but it was as sturdy as a rock and had lots of potential.

Nothing a little paint wouldn't cure.  Two quick coats of CeCe Caldwell chalk paint and a vintage grain sack remnant was just what it needed.  I padded the hard seat with two layers of batting and used upholstery tacks on the front end.  

Some heavy duty staples hold everything in place.

I wanted to keep some of the original character, so I left the foot pad just the way I found it.

Look what else I discovered at a college flea market last weekend; I think there's a theme going on here.  This very old and very dirty shoe shine kit is just waiting for a good cleaning and a lot of love.

I've been up to my eyeballs in projects this week trying to get myself organized for Mes Amis Vintage Antique  Show on Saturday.  This is always a fabulous show and the weather forecast is predicting a gorgeous day.

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Sunday, April 14, 2013

Love Junk?

About ten years ago I bought an antique dry sink at a yard sale and passed it along to a friend of mine.  She loved it until last summer when it finally gave up after the bottom dropped out and one side split in half after so many repairs.  It was destined for the curb until I volunteered to bring it back home again to see what parts could be salvaged. 

I love junk!!

The before shot.

Three new treasures made from one piece of junk.  Harvest Gold isn't exactly a color that appeals to everyone, so I painted each piece with CeCe Caldwell chalk paint.

How about some chalkboard love from one of the doors.  The knob on bottom is the original and I added a couple of rusty pulls on the sides.

The backsplash became a nifty rack for hanging clothes, accessories, jewelry, etc.  I left the original paint on all the wooden knobs, just gave them a little cleaning and some wax.  

Who doesn't need another junk drawer?  This one holds some junky junk I picked up last weekend.

I lined the inside with a piece of sheet metal, stenciled JUNK on the front, and kept the original handles.  

 I still have the other door, two side pieces from the backsplash, and one board from the back that didn't split when I was taking it apart.
Not too junky now.

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Between Naps on the Porch for Metamorphosis Monday
Cozy Little House for Tweak It Tuesday
Coastal Charm for Nifty Thrifty Tuesday
Knick of Time for Knick of Time Tuesday

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Early Bird Specials

I think you'll agree that it's always a good thing to arrive at a yard sale early and have first pick of the litter.  That happened to me twice last weekend.   I was out and about for a couple of 7am flops when I thought I'd take my chances and do an early drive by for a sale that started at 8am.  Good decision!!

She was waiting for me along with the typewriter, metal drawers, lamp, and the cast iron chair that looks like it's wearing socks.

There was no way she'd still be standing in the driveway at 8am.  Her perfect body has been attached to a very heavy vintage floor lamp.

Nice legs!

 I couldn't believe it when I asked if they had any typewriters and out came this 1950s Royal from the dark side of the garage.

Of all the typewriters I've purchased over the years, this one is in the best working condition.

This fabulous old lamp still works.  Love that light bulb!

I was at the next sale all by myself when the doors opened at 8am.   I went through a box of antique photos and got a great deal on a group of fifteen.  I also found some galvanized buckets, large frame,  a stool, and some miscellaneous trinkets.

I love group photos.

This rubber stamp holder will soon be displaying vintage photos.

Isn't it great to shop without a crowd?

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From My Front Porch to Yours for Treasure Hunt Thursday
Brambleberry Cottage for Time Travel Thursday
Common Ground for Be Inspired Friday

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