A few days ago, I felt the urge to do something with these bracelets even though I had plenty of other projects I should have been working on. I recently bought these ugly bracelets and thought they were in desperate need of some TLC. I'm not sure that metal thing is even a bracelet, but the size was perfect......
Then I got out my handy dandy paper cutter and chopped up some strips from an old book, sheet music, and a $1.00 garage sale atlas from 1956.
I applied Mod Podge to each strip and wrapped them around the bracelet. I slightly overlapped each strip and kept the seams on the inside. I like the look of the atlas bracelets the best....France, United States/Canada, and a thin slice of Texas. I still need to add a coat of glossy varnish and maybe mix in some glitter for a bit of sparkle.
I want to make more of these; how about one for each country in my atlas? I headed out to the dollar store in search of hard plastic bracelets. No luck there, and no luck at that other store where I could get them for one penny less. I am determined to hunt them down, and I will make more.
Now for the Big Thank You......
I will never be able to shop in a dollar store again without thinking of the creative mind of Michelle of Mich L. in L.A. You have to check out her blog to see what her wild imagination comes up with. She never ceases to amaze me.
Last month, I tried to guess the mystery item she used to make a bracelet in one of her "Guess the Mystery Thing" contests. She had made a bracelet using an old automotive hose and stumped us all. I was the first person to mention a hose, so she still sent me this very cool necklace made with part of a jelly headband from the dollar store, and this bracelet made from a vacuum hose. How cool are these? Sorry Mich, your pictures are much better.
Thank you so much, I am proud to be the owner of a Mich L. in L.A. original.
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