It was close to noon on Sunday when I felt the urge to get out and do some junkin'. It was too late in the day for the monthly antique show in Alameda, so I decided to try my luck at the salvage yards in Berkeley. With the promise of a good lunch, my son Scott seemed more than happy to tag along. Just before we left, I thought I'd do a quick Craigslist check. Sure enough, there was a Sunday only block sale that was advertising loads of vintage hardware and architectural pieces. The salvage yard could wait until after lunch. First stop was the block sale.
Someone else was busy going through the box of bathroom fixtures when I got there. I managed to pull these beauties out after he walked away. Thank you for leaving some for me!
I filled a big box full of architectural bits and pieces, wheels, rusty thingies, lamp parts, and the rusty old sconce that looks like a birdhouse.

Yes! They even left me some bling.
This is enough to keep me busy for a long time. Maybe it was a good thing we didn't get there when they first opened up.
First stop after lunch was Ohmega Salvage. This is always a fun place, but I rarely buy anything because they're just too pricey.
What a way to greet customers. Look at those legs!

Rare French Guy from 1920. $850.00.
Have you seen the September issue of Country Living? This reminds me of the front cover.
I love this color, but not for my bathroom fixtures. They also had sets in blue, peach, and yellow. This lavender set could be yours for only $1800.00.
I like these. I'm not sure why, but I really like them.
Next stop was Urban Ore. This place is bigger and junkier than Ohmega, but much cheaper too.
When pigs fly? You'd need a moving van just to get her home.
These were the only things I bought at Urban Ore, and one of the only places I can still find them at a reasonable price.
I'm so happy that I made this last minute decision to just drop what I was doing and go. The weather was perfect with temperatures in the low 70's and overcast skies. Best of all, we had a great time catching up with each other.
I'm linking up my Salvage Yard Fun with:
Charm Bracelet Diva for Club G.W.,
Very Merry Vintage Style for Share the Love Wednesday,
From My Front Porch to Yours for Treasure Hunt Thursday,
Brambleberry Cottage for Time Travel Thursday,
Colorado Lady for Vintage Thingie Thursday, and
Common Ground for Vintage Inspiration Friday