A few days ago I was in the mood for a junkin' fix, so I headed over to a few antique shops about an hour away from here. My Friends and I is one of my favorite little stores in Fremont's Niles District, so it's always first on my list when I'm in town.
I would have grabbed all of these back in the day when I was known as "The Door Knob Lady." One of these days I'm going to make a shadow box so I can display all my favorite vintage knobs.
I didn't bring these little chicks home with me, but I thought they were so cute. She's staring right at the camera.
I didn't realize that I left this 1928 phone book behind until I saw this picture. Making mental notes of what to go back and grab just doesn't work for me anymore.
Here's what I collected over the weekend......
My catch of the day was the Royal typewriter. I'm really liking that big silver bowl even though it's a mess on the inside.
It's always hard to pass up a jar of buttons, especially when I see rhinestones and glass. Two more yardsticks for my collection; now I think I have enough to make some more of these coat racks.
Bits and pieces of jewelry. I love that 60's style belt with those "mod" flowers.
1956 Perquackey game and a fold up map from 1970.
The license plates and luggage tags will probably be going on a necklace. I'll have to change out "my blood type" or someone might be in trouble during an emergency.
I see necklaces here.
I couldn't pass up that old musical instrument case with its cute little compartment. I'm a sucker for anything green, rusty, or chippy.
This is my favorite page from Lloyd Darknell's 1954 autograph book. Sister Patty must have been laughing her head off when she wrote this.
I'm linking up my finds with:
Coastal Charm for Nifty Thrifty Tuesdays,
The Colorado Lady for Vintage Thingie Thursday,
A La Carte for Junkin Finds Friday,
Pink Postcard for Transformations & Treasures