Not a bad haul for an estate sale I wasn't going to attend. I arrived two hours after the start
of the sale and was kicking myself for not going out earlier because their prices were so reasonable. I have visions of all the stuff that got away.
of the sale and was kicking myself for not going out earlier because their prices were so reasonable. I have visions of all the stuff that got away.
Advertising hangers from right here in little ol' Tracy. Notice the paint splattered bench under all the stuff? I forgot to get a lone picture of it, but it looks like years of yummy paint buildup. I'm leaving it just the way it is.
When I opened up this children's Picture Word Book it put a big smile on my face.
This Western Electric Company phone weighs a ton. Unfortunately it doesn't work, but wouldn't it be fun just for display?
Last but not least, a pair of Syroco wall sconces from the early 1960s. They were kind of an ugly, flaky, shiny gold mess when I found them.....nothing a coat of paint and a little distressing didn't cure.