Don't you love it when you hit a good yard sale? I had so much to do this weekend and almost didn't go out treasure hunting. Do you ever look at the yard sale ads on Craigslist or in the newspaper almost hoping you DON'T see something interesting? If there's a buzz word that catches my eye, I have to go.

It was an "old and interesting" kind of day. Those two framed prints caught my eye right away. I still need to open up the backs to find all the money that's hiding inside.

Unlike most of the old cameras I buy, this one won't be repurposed into jewelry. It's still in great condition and will probably find a comfortable spot in my house. The old 6" Diamond paper cutter still slices right through a piece of paper.

I thought this hydrometer with its original wooden case was so interesting. I was told this one was used for measuring the density of milk. Just what every household needs.

Earthly Footsteps of the Man of Galilee. I love old books and couldn't pass this one up. It has some condition issues, but most of the 400 photographs are still in good shape.

James Lee (left) is the author and Robert Bain (right) is the photographer. The book was originally published in 1894 and has over 400 photographs of their journey through the Holy Land.

I had to have this little booklet.

Dr. Pierce's magic potion will cure everything....

It will cure our backaches...

It will help us because we're so overworked. Darn, no alcohol?

It will help with our nervous disorders...

At least he acknowledged that men have their share of problems too.
I'm linking up my yard sale finds with:
Southern Hospitality for Today's Thrifty Treasures,
Charm Bracelet Diva for Club G.W.
Coastal Charm for Nifty Thrifty Tuesday,
Brambleberry Cottage for Time Travel Thursday,
From My Front Porch To Yours for Treasure Hunt Thursday,
The Thrifty Groove for Thrifty Things Friday.