I'm sure you know by now just how much I enjoy rummaging through my cabinets, drawers, boxes, and random piles of junk I have stashed out in the garage. I also have an obsession with cloches, so when I come across something with the potential of becoming part of a cloche, I'm all smiles.
I turned a couple of fluted tin molds upside down, then glued a chippy black canister lid to one of them and a silver tray to the other. The cloches are aluminum light guard covers that I found at a flea market.
~ I have the chalkboard lettering skills of a 2-year-old, but I'm happy to say that I do know my way around PicMonkey~
I didn't want to overwhelm the junk with a lot of fussy embellishments, so I kept the decorating simple. Cloche #1 is decorated with some shredded paper, a small white pumpkin, and a little crow. For cloche #2, I printed out a pumpkin seed packet from The Graphics Fairy and stuck it inside an old flower frog, then I added some dried moss for color and texture.
I topped them off with a couple of vintage rhinestone buttons because every junky cloche needs a little sparkle.
I think they'll be perfect just like this until after Thanksgiving, then I'll dress them up with some vintage Christmas treasures.
You can see more of my junky cloche creations here,
here, and here.

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Funky Junk Interiors for Party Junk
Adirondack Girl @ Heart for Vintage Charm
Coastal Charm for Show and Share
Creative Country Mom for Flea Market Friday
Cozy Little House for Tweak It Tuesday